February 26, 2022|Divorce, Personal Transformation, Relationships, Wellness
When we ask ourselves, "Why?" we remain stuck in the past. Why did I do that? Why didn't he do that? Why am I in this position? Why do I feel so sad?
"Why" is a word that often points your attention to the rear-view mirror. The past is a familiar place to dwell, but no amount of questioning the past will cause it to change. There is comfort in the familiar, even if it hurts. It can be easy to remain feeling like a victim, feeling broken and stuck and questioning "Why me?"
Are you willing to try out a new question? When you are in depths of "why" remind yourself to ask "How?"
"How can I move forward?" "How can I take action and create new possibilities for myself?"
Asking How? is powerful and will create a shift in your mood and will spawn creative ideas and opportunities. Give How a chance!
As fire transforms wood to ash, transform your "why" of regret to a How of empowerment!