Life can give us roadblocks, barriers to entry, and No Trespassing signs. When that happens, you might abandon your mission, turn around and give up on achieving your goal. When you give up, stomp on your dream or let go of a possibility it can feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. A sense of hopelessness descends and you feel disappointed and confused.
When obstacles arise, it is important to look at options you may not have noticed when you were singularly focused on achieving your goal. In coaching my clients, I walk them through a discovery process of naming the obstacle and exploring their options. A mindset shift occurs when you broaden your thinking. Suddenly, you'll find opportunities where you thought none existed.
Simply by pointing my lens between the posts, I was able to capture a photo of this beautiful pier. The pier tells the story of destruction, survival, and abundance. Massive amounts of pelicans thrive at its end. What seemed like a dead end is teaming with life and beauty.
Using this approach of "looking differently" at obstacles will open up options and opportunities so that you can achieve the outcome you desire. #lifecoaching, @carlahugovisualizeit, #creativethinking, #persistance