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Is It Time for Massive Change?

Writer's picture: Carla HugoCarla Hugo

Waves crashing upon rocks at Asbury Park, NJ
Let your feelings crash upon you. They will recede into the vastness.

If you've been reading my blog posts, you know I love words. Let's break down the word Massive and look at the first 4 letters.

M - Mindfulness

A - Acceptance

S - Self Compassion

S - Self Care

So when you ask yourself, "Is it time for massive change?" I want you to reflect upon how you utilize the practices of mindfulness, acceptance, self-compassion and self-care in your life - right now, today.

If the answer is - "I've got this down, Carla!" Please share your success stories with me! I'd love to hear from you. You can email me: or post a comment on this blog.

If you know you need some support on being more present, in going with the flow, in treating yourself with the kindness that you treat others, and in taking massive action steps in your life - read on. And, I invite you to sign up for coaching with me at my most affordable session rate of $75 for 40 minutes one-on-one personal video coaching. (No credit cards accepted, no session summary notes provided) Just write "I'm ready" in the subject line to and we'll work out a mutually agreeable coaching schedule and co-create your action plan.

A great way to practice mindfulness is in the mundane moments of your life. For example, when folding clothes - pretty boring, right? When you engage your senses as you fold, you are bringing your body into the moment. Mindfulness occurs when your mind and body are working together in this very moment. When folding, you can feel the softness of the fabric. You can inhale the scent of the detergent. You can sort the clothes by color and notice all the colors you see. Is there something you can crinkle, and listen for the sound? When you practice mindfulness, you build strength in your ability to be present in the moments of your life.

The notion of Acceptance is often met with resistance. You've probably asked yourself, "How can I just let this go? It's unjust! If I accept it, then it means I approve. And I DON'T!"

What you resist, persists. What you push against, creates friction, aggravation and distress. When you accept you allow things that are out of your control to exist and then manage your emotional response to these people and events. Acceptance takes mindful awareness and the ability to pause between the stimulus and urge to react and your choice to respond in alignment with your core values.

Self-compassion is a massively impactful action that you can take and then witness a cascade of events that unfold in a manner that is in alignment with living your best life! Common among all of my clients is a self concept of not being good enough. Whether a client is comparing themselves to others, to their own standard or to the "shoulds" they think they must attain, feeling not-enough is prevalent. What if you met your feelings of not being good enough with self-compassion? How would you treat a young child that felt the same way you do? What will it take for you to cultivate this level of kindness for yourself?

Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is taking action on items you know will contribute to living your best life. How you nurture your mind, body and spirit allow you to prioritize yourself in a way that makes you show up in the best way possible in each of your roles. Think about what you eat, how you move, how you nurture your mind, how you socialize. In what area of your life can you devote more time to your self-care? If you embraced one aspect of self-care, what would it be? Are you willing to block time in your schedule now to take this action?

It's a new year, and it's time for massive change! Follow my MASS acrostic and step into living your absolute best life so you can thrive in 2025! Want some support - just reach out!

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