February 5, 2021|Personal Transformation, Wellness
There are always time when we feel stuck. You may feel powerless. You may feel you have no choice in a matter. You may be in a jam. These are all examples of feeling stuck.
Here are 3 tips to detangle that stuck feeling:
1. What is the outcome you want to experience? The stuck situation is at the forefront of your mind. I am sure you can describe it in great detail to anyone who will listen. But what is the opposite of this stuck-ness? What do you want to have? Identifying this is the first step.
2. Now, with as much detail as you can explain, over-explain and dwell on the problem, tell yourself the story of the solution. Say it out loud in a mirror, write it down, or tell a friend. Get clear on the story of the outcome that gets you unstuck!
3. Take action steps that lead you in the direction of #2. These can be baby steps. Baby steps are small actions where you are in control. Keep your mind solution focused and take baby steps. You soon will be looking back at a memory of when you were stuck!