February 9, 2021|Personal Transformation, Wellness
Your routine is satisfying. You wake up on Monday morning and you get through the steps of starting your week, just as you did last Monday. Your Munday (for mundane) is the same as it has been for months or years.
Sometimes you consider whether you should stick to the same routine, or try something new. For example, you may say to yourself, "Today I will exercise after work and cut out junk food."
And then, as your day progresses the same as always, your lofty morning intentions slip away.
What will inspire you to Reach, rather than remain the same in your Routine?
Ask yourself, what do I want most in life? Reserve special time to answer this incredibly critical question.
Your answers are your highest ideals and are unique and personal to you. And, they have the benefit of inspiring you to reach, rather than remain in a routine.
Reach out to me for support!