January 6, 2021|Personal Transformation, Wellness
Did you know that sugar can be more addictive than heroin? This white powder is readily available night and day and impacts your mood and habits in ways that could be detrimental to your well-being.
Take the opportunity that a fresh, new year brings to clean up your sugar habit. Follow these tips for success:
Pay attention to your feelings before you reach into the cookie jar. What is behind your sweet craving? Pausing to identify what is driving you will allow you to discover what you really need. You could be feeling lonely or bored. Once you know how you feel, you can take steps that do not include eating sweets.
Rather than set yourself up for deprivation and the compulsions it stimulates, add in the good stuff. Make a new habit of drinking more water to keep your body clean and hydrated. Eat foods that are sweet and found in nature in their pure form. These include fruits, squashes, sweet potatoes, beets and more.
Chose to put your health before your cravings. For support in making this fresh start, please reach out for wellness coaching with me.