March 9, 2021|Divorce, Personal Transformation
Being "on the fence" is a painful place to be. Indecision takes up so much mental energy! It is exhausting.
This post is applicable for those contemplating divorce, as well as for those facing any big decision.
I love the visual of a picket fence, when describing that feeling of being "on the fence." Because straddling a picket fence would be terribly painful!
And in real life, being on the fence is painful. Part of you wants to leave and can justify all the reasons for that. The other part of you wants to stay, and you feel so attached to those feelings as well. The process can make you lose sight of who you are!
Expand your choices in the decision process. There really are more than two choices.
When you think beyond Yes or No and Stay or Go, what comes up for you? Can you identify alternate solutions? How can the thing that is bugging you in the current situation be remedied?
Once you are free of your emotional pain, you can expand your opportunities and get to a logical thinking process.
I am here to listen and offer support.